Parenting Tips to Raise Earth-Friendly Kids
Parenting tips to help you raise earth-friendly kids, support sustainable brands, and protect our planet.
A Parent’s Guide to Creating your Kids’ Clothing Strategy
Renting provides the third and final part of the puzzle for forming a kids’ clothing strategy. Get the full picture here.
What kind of thelittleloop parent are you?
Back when we were kids, it was the norm to share clothes, whether it was your big brother’s baggy jumpers or hand-me-down school gear from your mum’s friends. Then came the unsustainable fast fashion movement, where imported clothing became so cheap that everyone had lovely brand new outfits whilst charity shops burst from door-to-door with old donations. Now, thanks to thelittleloop’s fashion innovation, clothing your children can be done with substance, style, and one eye on the environment.
The time is always right to do what’s right
We all have a pair of ears, a voice and a sphere of influence. Our founder, Charlotte, shares her reflection on what it feels right to do, for those of us sitting here wondering.
5 ways to dress your kids for less (money and impact)
Charlotte Morley Founder of thelittleloop explores the key ways to reduce the envrionmental and financial impact of clothing young children.
Find out about our session at the sustainable(ish) festival and get your free guide to caring for your children’s clothes.
Surviving lockdown with no childcare
It’s ok to just survive this extraordinary time. Our founder Charlotte shares how she’s getting through…it ain’t pretty but it is real. Hang on in there all you heroic parents…this too shall pass.
All About Cloth Nappies
thelittleloop Founder Charlotte Morley talks through her experiences using cloth nappies with her two children.
Resources to save your sanity
We’ve pulled together a range of excellent and thoughtful children’s resources created by our brilliant brands. Happy (and easy) home schooling everyone!!
Everyday Heroes: Sally and Thais
In need of a little inspiration on your journey to a more sustainable life? We’ve interviewed 6 women, mums like you and me to ask them how they manage it.
This week we get a double dose with the amazing Sally and Thais from Pure Bundle
Everyday Hero: Debs
In need of a little inspiration on your journey to a more sustainable life? We’ve interviewed 6 women, mums like you and me to ask them how they manage it.
This week we hear from eco-mum extraordinaire, Debs.
Everyday Hero: Ashley
In need of a little inspiration on your journey to a more sustainable life? We’ve interviewed 6 women, mums like you and me to ask them how they manage it.
This week we hear from eco-blogger and cloth nappy guru Ashley.
Everyday Hero: Nash
In need of a little inspiration on your journey to a more sustainable life? We’ve interviewed 6 women, mums like you and me to ask them how they manage it.
This week we hear from writer and minimalism educator Nash.