
Charlotte Morley Charlotte Morley

Activity Sheets for the Christmas Hols

If you’re worried about how you’re going to keep the kids amused if you get stuck indoors these Christmas holidays then look no further than our Christmas activity sheets including colouring in, mazes and craft activities featuring our own little eco-heroes.

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Charlotte Morley Charlotte Morley

The end of ownership…making kids clothes circular

Your littlest family member will outgrow over 1000 items of clothing before they are fully grown. Their voracious need for new clothes from ages 0-12 (about every 3 months due to growth and changing seasons) means the average household in the UK will spend around £11,000 on clothing each child. Ouch!

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Charlotte Morley Charlotte Morley

How to shop more sustainably for your children's clothes

Children have a voracious need for new clothes. They will outgrow over 1000 items of clothing before they are fully grown meaning the average household in the UK will spend around £11,000 clothing each child! And what do we do with all those clothes when they’re done? 

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