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Big Planet, Little Hero

thelittleloop is all about the little people...the little heroes we're all raising. And we think it’s our role, as parents, to teach them to appreciate and look after the planet for their own, and future generations’ sake.

But teaching doesn’t have to be onerous. It should be as simple as helping them to take part in a few every day heroic actions. Fom hugging a tree to writing to your local politician, there’s something that every little planet hero can do (however big or small):

Like Louis, our mini recycling champion:

  • Help with the weekly recycling

  • Make a plastic free swap. Perhaps your toothbrush or water cup.

  • Always turn off the tap when you’re brushing your teeth and never waste water

  • Take some of your old toys to the charity shop for someone else to love…and try to get your new toys second hand instead of brand-new to save plastic and packaging

  • Make sure to look after your toys and clothes to give them the longest life possible

Margot, our heroic little sustainability influencer:

  • Help your family understand why fighting for the environment is so important.

  • Set up an eco-club at your school and get your friends and others involved in making your school a more sustainable place

  • Watch natgeo for kids and share what you’ve learned in an article or story

  • Take part in an event like the PlanetEarthGames and share your actions with friends and family

Wolf, our teeny wilderness lover:

Camp out overnight and listen to all the wonderful creatures around you

Hug a tree and try to imagine all the things it must have seen

Grow your own strawberry or tomato plant and learn about what it takes for a plant to survive

Go on a nature walk and see how many different creatures and plants you can spot on the way

Go stargazing or watch the sunrise and see for yourself how beautiful our planet can be

or Bea, our bold climate campaigner:

Go on a litter pick in your local park and talk with people about what you’re doing and why

Write to your local mp to ask what actions they are taking to ensure a more sustainable UK

Email your favourite clothes or toy company to ask them how they’re making sure they’ve got an environmentally friendly supply chain

Take part in a FridaysForFuture strike (check with your parents first)

If you’ve got a budding eco-hero on your hands why not tag them on instagram #bigplanetlittlehero to be in with a change of winning a set of our gorgeous eco-hero prints and help inspire more heroic kids and their parents to get all eco with us. x